Monday, December 23, 2019

Federalism Is The Division Of Power Between The National...

Federalism is the division of power between the national legislature and the state legislatures. It helps maintain power over who wants to control what section each legislature or government wants to take a participation in. Some topics, such as gun control, marijuana and same sex marriage, are large debatable topics that both governments have to discuss whether or not it is helpful for the citizens in a certain state and who should have that particular power. Both the powers are important to maintain any unresolved issues. Since the government is a delegated power, it only has the powers the constitution provides for the government. The Federal Government only has three sections of sub powers from the delegated power; expressed powers,†¦show more content†¦Guns have been in the government system even before the United States has been a country. But guns have been used for misconduct in the past twenty years due to school shootings public shootings and other killings due to guns. There has been a lot of commotion of how guns are supposed to be handled ever since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. One reason guns are being part of why gun control is being debated are scenarios that require mass shootings in both schools and public places. Major school shootings such as Columbine High School Shooting in 1999, Virginia Tech Massacre in 2007, and Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012, and major public shootings such as the Tucson Shooting in 2011 and the Aurora Movie Theater Shooting in 2012 became large factors on what should be done to limiting guns use. But since the Second Amendment does say that the US citizens have a â€Å"right to bare arms†, it’s harder to put a restraint on what people in the National and State Governments can do. Since the United States has the most gun ownerships per capita (almost ninety out of a hundred people own some kind of gun), it has the most violence coming from the different uses and interpre tations on how guns are supposed to work. Guns in the United States tend to go hand in hand when it comes to violence and homicide. The Federal Government’s role is very poor in what should be done. There are not a lot of â€Å"federal laws† that

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